Boyfriend versus Husband

Boyfriend versus Husband

This is something that has really gotten to me lately. I have been so back and forth but with the way things are going in this generation its more likely than not that you know someone that just got engaged or married. It may be my age group or the people we surround ourselves with [...]

Tying the knot

Tying the knot

As the holiday season comes to a close we are left to reflect on all of the social media hype that everyone wants to show off. There is no better way to put it. Everyone and their mother is getting engaged and posting a ring picture and saying "it's about time" after approximately 1 year...maybe [...]

Book Talk

Book Talk

I understand I began this blog to talk about home buying and our journey with this, but now that I have more and more time for myself I have re-fallen in love with reading. I was never a reader per-say, if I found a good book I wouldn't be able to put it down. However, [...]