Welcome back Mrs. Smith!

Welcome back Mrs. Smith!

It has been a whirlwind of a pandemic to say the least! The past few months seem like one month all rolled into one it went by so fast! Not only being a healthcare worker in the middle of a pandemic but getting engaged, married, and on top of it all being a freak about [...]

Not having a sister

Not having a sister

This is something that is so easy for many people to over look. Clearly, every household is different growing up and every family gets along in different ways but I really really wish I had a sister sometimes. I grew up with a brother that is 5 years older than me, which was fine...at least [...]

Trip to Alaska (part 1)

Trip to Alaska (part 1)

Although it has been months since we went to Alaska, I was recently inspired to write about our winter trip after seeing Stephanie's blog post about her summer visit! I surprised my mom with a trip to Alaska for her 60th Birthday with the intentions of crossing it off her bucket list and seeing some spectacular things along the [...]

Book Talk

Book Talk

I understand I began this blog to talk about home buying and our journey with this, but now that I have more and more time for myself I have re-fallen in love with reading. I was never a reader per-say, if I found a good book I wouldn't be able to put it down. However, [...]